
The key to advertising is having a thorough understanding of the target demographic. What do they like? Where do they live? What makes them tick? Strategic Planners research everything about the consumer to create an effective marketing strategy.

Responsible for: performing and analyzing research about our target market to lay the theoretical foundation for the campaign.

Apply if you are: interested in research and like to think about the big picture.



Creatives are responsible for connecting with the consumer. Using the findings from the Planners, Creatives create concepts which become our campaign's executions, ranging from the traditional commercial or billboards, to the non-traditional mobile ad or viral worthy idea. 

Responsible for: brainstorming the campaign's actionable creative executions.

Apply if you are: a creative trendsetter who thinks outside the box.


Media Planners are the business-oriented part of our team which builds the media strategy for our campaign. They can tackle rows of data from fancy market research firms in order to tell us which platforms to target and when to target them. 

Responsible for: making sure the campaign accomplishes our client's goals while generating a positive return on investment.

Apply if you are: interested in mass media and enjoy thinking analytically.



Creative and clear representation of ideas is key to the success of any campaign. Designers bring the campaign to life, balancing creativity and concept developed by the Planning and Creative subteams to create art capable of depicting the true meaning behind the ad. 

Responsible for: utilizing graphic design to create an expressive and professional look for our plans book and Keynote presentation.         

Apply if you are: a graphic designer or producer who has an eye for all things aesthetic.



Kritika Yerrapotu

Account Supervisor

Hanna Wai

Account Supervisor

Esther Jang

Account Supervisor

Subteam Directors and Managers

Grace Brown

Strategy Director

Diane Zhou

Media Director

Jessica Gao

Media Director

Zoe Monterola

Creative Director

Eileen Harsono

Design Director

Manuela Torres

Events Manager